Currency Exchange

Currency Exchange

When transferring your money overseas, you want to ensure you’re getting a great exchange rate and the guidance of a currency specialist, so you can make the most of your funds. Brokers can offer extremely competitive rates and tailored transfers that suit your specific requirements. Some brokers will assign you to a dedicated account manager who will watch the market on your behalf, notifying you of any significant exchange rate shifts. They’ll take the time to understand your needs and timescales, so that you have a bespoke transfer that helps you get more currency for your money.

Brokers not only offer great rates, some even offer you fee-free transfers to save you money. Brokers can also be exceptionally helpful when you need to purchase a property abroad as they can lock-in an exchange rate, sometimes for up to two years in advance of your transfer. This kind of transfer gives you certainty for your money, even when the markets become unstable.