Born in the UK and early in my career I developed a passion for self development; communication skills and financial management. After working in various areas of these topics for 12 years I then decided to move from the North East of England where I was born, to work internationally in the world of Finance and Investments.
Initially living in Malta with my wife and three daughters, I set up Lifestyle Management in 2000 and due to the concept of “Lifestyle Planning” which is a holistic approach incorporating not only finance but coaching counseling skills, I found my services were required in many countries.
Over the last 37 years, I have worked in 32 countries learning various cultural values and an understanding of individual perceptions of finance and Lifestyle needs. Due to the opportunity I have had to communicate with cultures, I have currently, 25 different nationalities of clients.
Now I am permanently resident of Kenya originally arriving into Nairobi 17 years ago. My clients cover all areas of expertise and are both Nationals and International individuals, families and businesses.
Yes, about helping others reach their potential.
My strong belief is that all of us are entirely unique and that our “dreams” are equally as unique, and that sadly so many people I meet do not lead the lives they dream of or deserve. Often these limitations are created by barriers that can be overcome.
Over the years I have developed strategies to assist my clients through personal development, financial coaching, and through corporate coaching programs.
For us all to learn how to communicate first with ourselves then others. Not to be driven to have “Money for money’s sake” but to know our purpose.
International Experience
I have built a reputation internationally as a leading lifestyle consultant and have worked in over thirty two countries with many different nationalities for many years and my skills are in high demand.
I set up Lifestyle Management in the year 2000, to deliver unique lifestyle planning to international professionals by providing a structured and holistic approach to their planning for the future.
I offer Leadership to Lifestyle Management.